What Did Not Go Down the Drain the Year I Took a Tenure Track Job began the day I started my tenure track position at California State University Sacramento. I wanted to find a way to track my first year. Having a tenure track job had been my goal for so long, something I promised myself I would attain. But as with every desire attained there is a price to pay. Tracking the loss of hair over an academic year struck me as an appropriate way to talk about this issue. After each shower I rescued the hair that did not make it down the drain. Each day’s hair is scanned and printed. The print is dated and the images are hung in chronological order. When scanned, the hair creates lovely and delicate images that look like line drawings. The entire project consists of 255 prints.
Project is comprised of ten 24×20” inkjet prints with handwritten graphite text and 245 10×8” inkjet prints with handwritten graphite text, 2003-2006